
adventures with feet & words

it's been quite a busy month and yet i'm not entirely sure what we've been doing! how does that even happen?! 
gabe just turned 5 months on sunday. time is flying!! he found his feet in the past few weeks. they have definitely become his favorite toy. he also prefers chewing on his right foot over the left one. he is now self-entertaining! i'd been waiting for him to start batting at things, but i think he skipped that part and went straight for grabbing. i learned this  lesson once he got ahold of my arm and hair and latched his little sucker onto my shoulder! pretty sure he gave me a hickey! haha. love that kid.  he has also started to really teeth. i can feel a little tiny something or other poking out of his tender gums. but boy i'll tell you-he will attack you if you aren't careful.

ben is doing really well as big brother. he adores gabe & loves on him constantly. he lays down next to gabe when they are playing and talks to him. ben makes the sweetest face while hugging gabe. the i-love-you-so-much-i-could-squeeze-your-head-off-but-im-trying-to-be-gentle face. he is never one to be without an expression. my favorite is the face he makes when he is trying not to laugh, but still be funny. maybe i'll catch this elusive face on camera one day. :) ben's vocabulary has significantly increased in just the past few weeks. he has finally entered the mimicking stage. i love it! i feel like he can finally communicate with me. he's really bright-yes i know all mom's say that, but it's true :) he has started pointing out random letters to me in words. he showed me a "r" on tv one day and totally surprised me. what a great surprise though, to know that all the times i've pointed out letters & read ABC books is paying off!! now is when i wish i had a bilingual nanny (or anyone) in his life so he could be learning spanish too. (that is my secret dream in my perfect parenting life.) so for now, we're working on colors and while most of the time he gets it, he'll still confuse blue & green, but always gets orange. go figure-the kid loves orange! he does always set the pace & run the unique beat of his own drum and care less what everyone else is doing. blue? who cares about blue?!

both my boys are growing up so quickly, but i'm cherishing every second. having a 2nd one helped me to really slow down and take it all in. they are both perfectly individual yet remind me of one another all at the same time....

my life is full...of boys, dogs, and diapers, but mostly joy!

i update my twitter constantly & have connected my picture updates to the blog-at the top right above this post. so be sure to check back here for lots of pics of our everyday (also updates facebook & twitter)

1 comment:

  1. Of course he likes orange! He is like his Grammie that way. Forget the followers...strike out on your own! I'm so glad you get to enjoy them while they are little. Write down stuff in their books so you can tell them how much fun they were. When you get another one, it will tend to blur together.



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