
adventures within the stacks of boxes

so many memories dug through, decisions made, lesson learned, grace given...the words 
i'm blessed 
aren't even close to adequate. 

there are parts of me that thinks moving every few years is a great solve to never becoming a pack rat. the other parts of me pray that i don't have to move again for 30 years which obviously isn't going to happen because just the amount of junk/trash that was stashed in corners and hidden in the nooks and crannies is slightly embarrassing. 

when we moved from our smaller condo into our house we just literally moved everything, no sorting involved. it was a bigger place, so there wasn't a need to get rid of things. and now, here i am, going in reverse. so we picked through all the boxes of things that moved with us out of the college dorms and into married life. boxes full of old text books and notes. those were fun memories to find...and easy to let go. cause if i haven't even looked in the box in the last 6 years, it's now more than likely out of date. and then there's the stuff we inherited in the moving of {nana roo} & {papa steve}...lots of good stuff, but there's just not a place for it or i'm not paying money to store it. those were much harder decisions. and as i've said before, i'm not much of a decision maker. it literally left my head aching multiple nights. it made me so thankful

 His mercies are new every morning!

somehow i feel like i've earned an additional i'm a real adult now badge in this process. so many things that i have discovered about my preferences partly that i have some! in what works best for my family, what to look for or get in a new home. i'm not talking dream house, i'm talking sanity savers, things that make my job/life more efficient. 

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