
adventurous attempt at house projects

now i'm not talking the every day-to-day tasks of dishes, floor cleaning, toy picking up or diaper changes. i'm talking about painting doors, power washing the house, fixing the front porch kinda projects. phew! i thought i could, but this week...life has required me to become a better juggler. i don't know if it's seasonal allergies or a cold but we've all been a little snotty nosed. and i'm pretty sure the babies are teething as well. yuck! {Matty} is really having it rough and not wanting to be set down or eat much food. but life goes on. i'm soaking in a peaceful moment on the back deck with my 3 littles. the sun is warm and there's just enough of a breeze to feel cool. it's heaven...almost. if i could only get a black tea lemonade....

back to the house projects! (not to be confused with housing projects) i started painting our bedroom door. just white, nothing fancy. it came primed & ready to paint and just hadn't happened. not that i'm any less busy now than when we got it, but there comes a time when you just have to take that first bite. so i got one side painted during a wonderfully long nap time on tuesday. thanks to the boys who collaborated on all napping at once. now if i could only do it again. it's now not even 11 am and i'm already trying to put kids down for naps. i got doors to paint here boys. and one lesson that is not hard to figure out, unless you want a mess, little boys & paint DO NOT go together.
seriously now, i'm back to the house projects or the fussy babies...

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